at the United Nations
Channel #1
The Flow of Universal Energy
May 1999
Vienna Austria
presenters at the United Nations on two continents.
We arrived in Vienna just 5 hours prior to this presentation at the UN. I had been very concerned about jet lag and having to present something so important to me only a few hours after getting off a plane. To my surprise, the moment I stepped up in front of the crowd the Group came in and I felt the familiar energy filling my being. Jet lag cannot compete with that.
After a short break I began the channel from the Group. They had decided not to let me in on what we were going to talk about. Normally I would have been very nervous about not knowing the subject of the channel, but on this occasion I was simply too busy to worry about it.
The timing of our trip put us in Vienna during the Kosovo crisis, which was only a few hundred miles from our location. Several people asked for answers about why this was happening. They also wanted information about the role of the refugees. There was a real sadness in the air caused by this situation. The Group seemed very anxious and could not wait for me to start the channel.
As we began, a lady in the front row had tears in her eyes from the moment the Group said “Greetings from Home.” She had brought her friend to translate, but shortly after the channel commenced the translator stopped speaking. Afterwards, they both approached me. It turns out that this dear Master Healer did not speak a word of English. With tears in both our eyes she made a gesture of putting her hand over her heart. Her friend, the translator, then told me that she understood every word on a much higher level.
The Group:
Greetings from Home.
We have waited a long time to say that. We have waited a very long time to visit with you. We have waited for you to find each other and re-unite. We thank you for reaching out. We thank you for being who you are. We thank you for stepping into your power and finding the expression of the God within each of you. We are so pleased that you have chosen to walk firmly into plan B and what you are calling Ascension.
From our perspective, we see the turmoil, we see what you consider to be difficult times. We ask you to be very careful where you place your focus, for as you observe difficult times, if you linger too long you create them. There are many events on the Gameboard at this time that do not receive the same attention as the ones that trouble you so. But in order to chase out the dark with the Light one must first shine Light into the darkness. This is now in progress and this is what is being seen in the events unfolding on the Gameboard. Many of you have held the Light in your own various ways. We express a deep gratitude to those who are now playing the role of victim, for they do so in the highest possible manner for the good of all that is. These are contracts they have chosen and agreed to play. These are contracts that were scripted a very long time ago. They are not easy contracts and we honor those fulfilling them.
The Nature of Contracts
We wish to help you understand the events as they are unfolding on the Gameboard. To do this we will first re-mind you about the nature of contracts. Contracts are agreements that you make before you enter the game. You asked this person to come and play the Mother, and this person to come and play Father, and this person to play the part of Uncle Harry. You ask a beloved brother if he will play the part of your business partner. You then ask him if he will love you enough to play the role of the villain. You ask him if he would love you enough to help you learn the lesson and settle the Karma you have chosen for your experience. From a larger perspective, when these contracts are exercised en masse they can easily pull the pendulum of humanity to one side and create possibilities of advancement for the whole. Even so, these contracts are only potential scripts that you have written for yourself. All contracts are contingent upon acceptance. When you come face to face with the contract you are still on the planet of Free Choice and you have choice about whether you wish to carry out that contract. We tell you that there are many on the planet that have chosen to carry out some very important contracts. Our love is so deep for all of you who have chosen this path. The results reach far beyond what you can see in your third-dimensional existence. The new paradigms you are creating through your own evolutionary advances will show in the Universe for a long time to come. The colors that you will wear from being a player on the Gameboard will place you among the highest and you will wear them with pride. You are of this family and we are honored to be here with you.
The Flow of Universal Energy
We are here with information to help you live and move more comfortably into the higher vibrations of the new planet Earth, which you have begun creating. We re-mind you that it is only information that we offer and we offer it with a deep respect towards your own power. We offer it with the deepest of love. We ask you to take only that which resonates within your own heart and leave the rest, for this is at the base of your power. We also tell you a little bit more about the perspective from afar. Many sub-routines are playing out on the Gameboard. You see the difficulties. You see the dark spots as the Light is shined upon them for perhaps the first time. Your technological advances are bringing communication in ways that you have never had before. With the help of these advances, you are able to shine Light that has never been able to be shined before. We know this is difficult for you, as your perspective is limited to the tragedy and suffering that you see. We thank you for walking forward into these contracts. Please understand that you are not alone in your experiences and contracts. The same connection that we have with you also unites you with all other things. Strengthening those connections and strengthening those energy strands will bring balance and opportunities as you move forward into your own advancement.
We tell you this evening of the reflection as it looks from the Universal energy. For on the planet of Free Choice you not only have choices about which contracts you wish to complete, but you also have choice as to whether you choose to be in the Universal flow of energy or against it. We tell you that from the higher perspective, there is no judgment about your choices. They are simply choices and all choices are honored. There are no good or bad choices. What we tell you is that either you accomplish what you set out to do, or you do not. If you are not accomplishing the creation of your version of Heaven on Earth and experiencing your own passion, then most likely it is simply a basic misdirection of energy. Energy is simply energy, and there is no good or bad energy. It is possible, however, to misdirect energy and to prevent it from completing the natural cycle. This often results in events that you perceive as difficult. We see them simply as misdirected energy that does not emulate the natural flow of Universal Energy.
Erasing the Imaginary Lines
These events happen on an individual basis. They also happen on a community-wide, country-wide and even global basis. You have seen entire countries misdirecting energy. The result is the events you see happening now. We will tell you from our perspective how this process relates to the Universal energy flow. We sincerely hope that this is not too simple for you to grasp. To explain Universal Energy we give you the analogy of the water in your oceans. You may see much of your life on the Gameboard reflected in this water. Observe the movement of the waves as they crash upon the shores and the movement of the tides as they flow in and out. For as the water rises and falls it is balancing the Earth’s rotation. View the rising and falling of these tides as simply an act of balance, for the water is balancing the rotation of the Earth. Much the way the waters rise and fall, and the waves come into the shore and retreat, such is the flow of Universal Energy. On the Gameboard of Free Choice you can either place yourself within that flow and ride those waves comfortably, or you can fight that flow and swim against the waves and the tide. Once again, your choices are honored and there is no judgment about these choices. They simply yield different results. Understanding the process can help you make informed choices.
On an individual basis, if energy is directed in accordance with the Universal Energy it will flourish and complete the cycle of creation. If the energy is misdirected, then it will build until it is corrected. If it is not corrected, then it builds and attracts similar energies to form similar misdirections on a community wide basis. If this energy continues to be replicated, it will not be long before it finds expression on a country-wide basis. Similar results will continue occurring and spreading until these misdirections of energy are corrected on an individual basis in significant numbers of people in that country. A full global expression in this manner would result in the destruction of the Earth. This is a conclusion to which you were heading. The misdirections of energy are very basic ones, as energy itself is very basic. The Universal energy is always seeking balance. This is done through blending. Make space for a blending of energies in your co-creations and you will place yourself in the natural flow of Universal Energy. Attempt to segregate or restrict the blending of energies and you will create misdirections of this energy.
(At this point the Group paused in silence. After a few moments they explained why with the following.)
Someone in the room has asked for a healing. We pause in this moment and ask that you also reflect your energies towards this person and allow that to be. (Pause)
And so it is.
The Universal flow is predominantly reflected in many of the things that you call nature. Placing yourself within the Universal flow allows you to achieve your balance very quickly. Yet many resist this balance. Much like the waves we have spoken of, if you were to take a drop of dye and place it in the water at the ocean’s edge you might be able to look into the water for a moment and see the color of that dye and enjoy the vibration of that color in its purest sense. And yet, it would not be long before the waves would come crashing in and mix the dye with the rest of the colors in the ocean. From your perspective, the beautiful color is now forever lost to the vastness of the ocean. From a higher perspective, we tell you that the color of the ocean, as viewed from other planets, has a rich vibrant hue. This beauty is only possible because of the many drops that make up the whole. We tell you that this blending is appropriate, for it truly is the Universe seeking balance. Understand that your perspective determines the reality.
Blending Emulates the Universal Energy
The blending of energies is the natural order of the Universe. For this reason, you see that people, governments, organizations and businesses that oppose the blending process are destined to experience misdirections of energy. It is these same misdirections of energy that are causing so much turmoil on your Gameboard at this time. There are leaders on the Gameboard now who are choosing to segregate the dye and to keep it within a confined area. To prevent the colored water from blending is against the natural flow of Universal Energy. In truth, all water is energetically connected to itself, just as all of you are connected with each other. Holding these waters apart is only done at great effort and causes great strife on the Gameboard.
A part of the Game now in progress is only possible because of the choices made by the players. Even though the scripts have been written the players have a choice as to what roles they will accept. To accomplish this lesson of humanity on a global scale many have chosen to accept the role of victim. We tell you that the colors of honor they will wear for accepting those roles will remain with them forever. They will always be known as the Precursors of the Light. For they are able to shine Light in a fashion that very few can. And for this we are thankful.
Walking in your power is equivalent to placing yourself within the natural flow and ebb of the Universal current. You are beginning to see glimpses of who you are and how to use this power. You have come here and agreed to play the game behind veils that keep you from knowing your true magnificence and it is difficult to see how powerful you are. We deeply honor you for this. For by going within and clearing the paths to Light within yourselves, you also set the energy on a much larger scale. We ask you to keep in mind that you are making headway. Much progress has been made in the last few months. Although headlines speak of turmoil, please understand that in your field of contrast it is necessary to have dark times to truly see the light. For this is when the greatest Lightwork can be done.
The Cutting Edge of Change
These opportunities lie at your own doorstep now. You have done well, you have chosen, it is in motion. This family that has reunited this evening has been here many times before. We tell you that in this room many have chosen contracts that have been very difficult. Those at the cutting edge always experience the most friction. And we thank you for taking that role. Your choices in this area have facilitated opportunities to change the paradigm of all that is to come. You see yourselves as citizens of an area, citizens of a community, citizens of a country. We tell you that it will not be long before you view yourselves as citizens of the Grand Planet Earth. Beyond that, there will be a time when you see yourselves as Universal citizens, much the way we see you. Right now, you look to your neighbors and you see the differences between you as cause for war. Yet we tell you that your perspective will change once you see that you are not alone in the Universe. As more is known, as some of your own heritage is starting to be revealed, you will understand more about your own nature. You will truly become citizens of the new planet Earth.
Why Global War is Impossible
This blending has begun in many ways already. We wish to point to some of these, for we tell you that a global war is not possible. You are simply too intertwined and, in many ways, you would be bombing yourselves. Part of the way that this is reflected on your Gameboard is through your own economic structures, even where you have chosen to combine your economic structures in the form of what you call a “euro-dollar.” And although there is typical resistance to such changes, we tell you that these are the co-creations that are clearly aligned with the Universal Energy. They encourage blending, they encourage moving from a field of polarity, or segregation, into a field of unity. We have spent much time in our writings telling you to please learn how to center your own energy, for it is important to understand that each one of you is the center of your own universe. It is important that you check your own motivations within yourself and that you use your own discernment as it resonates with your own heart, rather than those around you. These actions, together with learning to speak your truth, are important tools that you will be using more and more. Yet this confuses some of you because you appear to have the notion that this is selfish. Let us illustrate the difference between selfish and self-first. Once you place yourself first in the flow of energy, it is then possible to connect with all other things. Upon connecting to these other things within your field you will achieve balance. You will find that you are all one. Much the way you have defined your territories, your governments, your religions, and your belief systems on the planet, we tell you that these are imaginary lines that do not exist. What really exists is the gradual flow of energy emulating the waves crashing upon the shore. We ask you to open the barriers between these imaginary lines. Allow the energy to flow and seek its own balance.
Strengthening your connection to all that is allows you to be nurtured by the Universal Energy as it passes through you. This can only be accomplished by placing yourself first in line to receive this flow. This takes courage, for you were taught always to put others first. There is an important distinction that we wish to make here. Placing yourself first in the flow of energy and cutting others off is what you would term selfish. Placing yourself first in the flow of energy and then using that energy to feed others is self-first. You have nothing to give from an empty cup. By placing yourself in the Universal Flow you have much more to give other people because you fill your own cup first. As in all actions on the Gameboard, if you can place yourself in the natural flow of Universal Energy your ride through life will be smooth and effortless. Placing yourself in opposition to this energy will attract resistance to your every move.
This applies on more levels than you are aware of. It is in your nature to create sub-routines that materialize as your governments and organizations. These sub-routines are a collection of the overall vibration of the individuals that make up the organization. Seek to direct the purpose of these organizations through your own intent and thereby align that intent with the Universal Flow of Energy. Take responsibility for creating your own environment, and if the environment is not to your liking have the courage to choose again. We know this is difficult. We know the veils are firmly in place. We know that you cannot see who you really are. We ask you to look into each other’s eyes, for this is where you will see us. This is how you will most easily re-member who you are. Have the courage to stand firmly in your truth.
We are with you always. You are never alone. You have far more guidance than you can perceive. The power of the eyes that watch your every move is far beyond your understanding. We know there are times ahead when you will experience difficulties. If you find yourself losing balance, please remember to reach out and offer a hand to the one next to you, for in doing so you will be strengthening your connection to All That Is. Do this often.
Because of the choices you have made your Game has now moved fully into Plan B. We honor you for these choices and we love you beyond your understanding. For eons to come there will be many who visit the planet to see how the Gameboard of Free Choice came to its highest conclusion. We are honored to have you represent us in this fashion. The seeds that you have planted are good seeds. You have done well. You do not always see the fruit of these seeds, for they rarely make the headlines. But we tell you that none of this would have been possible had you not accepted your contracts to play this Game. If you look around you, you will see the evidence. Globally, your crime rates are decreasing. You have becoming a gentler people. You are moving from a motivation of survival to a motivation of unity. As you move toward that Unity your highest purpose will become apparent. Please do not be discouraged as the steps are right in front of you. Know that we love you and are with you always. We respect your choices and we honor your Game.
And now we will take questions.
Live Questions for the Group II
After the live channel, the Group loves to answer direct questions. Here are just a few from this seminar:
How Long will it Take to Re-member?
Question: How long will it take to find out who we are?
Answer: You are beginning to see glimpses of this now. You will begin to understand more of your true heritage in the near future. It is very difficult for us to give you time lines, for you are constantly changing these. Your own advances create the future as a moving target. We will tell you that, as it now stands, you will become more comfortable within the next six months. You will be personally visited by spirit. This visitation will bring many answers to the questions that you have. You have done much to earn them.
When are our Contracts Complete?
Question: How do we know that our contracts are fulfilled?
Answer: That is a very good question, for you do not always know that your contracts are fulfilled. Contracts are choices. All contracts are simply contingent choices; contingent upon your choosing to accept them. Sometimes contracts are very simple and consist of only a well-placed word. Sometimes they are a simple pat on the back or an encouraging smile. Sometimes they involve a lifetime of support.
Changes within your DNA have made you extremely sensitive to Universal Energy. Use that sensitivity to discern if your contracts are complete. If there’s more to do, be about it. Also, have the courage to align your energy with the Universal flow, for when you are centered in this manner your contracts will continue to add to your life. If what you are doing is constantly pulling you out of balance, chances are you are hanging on after that contract has been completed. Imagine yourself as a spinning top that is seeking to find its balance. If the weight of your contracts is evenly distributed then your top will spin smoothly and evenly. Too often you refuse to let go and hang on to your contracts long after they have been fulfilled, causing your top to spin out of control. If you check your balance often it will be your best indicator of when to let go.
What about Kosovo?
Question: With regard to the events currently taking place in Kosovo, you say that they are all playing a game. Does this mean we should just stand by and let the game play out?
Answer: No, it does not mean that. Your courage has surfaced because you have chosen to not allow the pendulum to be pulled any further. To stand by and let it play out would be to not play the game at all and let it unfold by default. Your purposeful step is to create your own reality and all actions should reflect that.
You are moving very quickly into an environment in which the word “fight” will no longer be used. It will simply no longer be necessary. Yet that is very difficult for you to understand at this point. When you are connected completely to your higher self you will also be connected to each other. When each one of you understands that you are all the same, then it will be easier to act as neighbors and support each other, even allowing for your differences.
When you speak of your contracts, your greatest contract is to center your own energy and learn to create your own reality. In the third-dimensional world there may be times when it is important to speak your truth forcefully. This is part of the pendulum that is in motion. It would not be moving if you allowed it to simply be held to one side. We ask you to create your own reality by choice, rather than by default. Center your energy within yourself, for that is when you make the most effective choices. Fear not of making the wrong choice for that is not possible. Consider all feedback, and keep in mind that if you do not like your reality you may choose again. Did that answer your question?
– Yes, thank you for clarifying it for us.
How can I follow my Heart’s Desire when I have Bills to Pay?
Question: If my true work is my heart’s desire, then how do I do it when I still have to pay my bills?
Answer: Difficulties arise quite often in the areas that you call work. Our perspective of what your work is, is probably quite a bit different than yours. For the sake of semantics, let us say that what you term is what you do for a living. Quite often, a healer like yourself will take a job or a career to achieve balance and find expression in other areas. This works well for the most part, unless that job consistently drains your energy. On the Gameboard, you have written the rules by which you play the game. In the higher vibrations, we now ask you to find the courage to rewrite the rules. So many people are finding that they are no longer a match for what they do for a living. And it is not the job that has changed, it is them.
As you advance to higher vibrations your work must also advance. If it is possible to change the work you do to fulfill your contracts then you have scripted your roles well. If you find that you are no longer a match for your work you have options. One option is to find balance by finding groups of like vibration and connecting with spiritual families. By balancing in these areas it helps the higher vibrational person to balance and find expression in their hours away from work. If your work is not a match for you it will only be a short time before you must part ways. In the higher vibrations to which you are ascending, your success will be directly proportional to the amount of passion and joy you experience on a daily basis. If your job does not provide for that passion and joy, then you would be wise to change to one that does. Your path will never be found in a job that you tolerate just to pay your bills. Find your passion and go after it fearlessly, for that is when you will be able to find your true path.
For now, we ask you to keep your balance as best you can. If what you do for a living is a constant drain on your energy then you have only two choices. You may change your job or it will change you. Most of the time this will show in your own biology revolting, causing illness to tell you that it is time to remove that energy drain and move on. If, however, you are still somewhat of a match, or you are still fed by some parts of your job, there may still be contracts to work through here, in which case balance can be attained in other areas of your life. There may be important things still to be accomplished. Ask that these be shown to you. Know that you are the most important person in that environment and that you must receive compensation, you must receive an opportunity to express the God within you at all times, in all relationships. If you are unable to do so at work, find other places to express this until you can find other places to work.
Becoming Comfortable with Energy Sensitivity
Question: I have a question regarding Reiki. I’m finding it sometimes difficult to manage my energy from turning on or off at certain times.
Answer: The energy movements that you are personally experiencing have to do with your own DNA changing. You are extremely sensitive to energy and are what we call an empathic sensitive. You pick up emotional energy and are sometimes not aware that it is not your own. This condition is commonplace as you move into the vibrational advances, as you move into your next evolutionary step.
The next thing that we ask you to keep in mind is that so many of you are in the process of re-membering. There are many master healers in this room. A master healer is simply a person who has mastered the art of healing in this or a previous lifetime. The art of healing itself is about creating space for other people to feel comfortable enough to heal themselves. This is the only type of healing that is available Universally. Your expression of it should not be limited to one modality. The cosmic humor here is that you have created modalities of your own that you have not fully re-membered. Allow yourself to stretch. When your teachers say to place your hands in these locations and run the energy between them, and your heart says “no, it’s going to work better if I move my other hand over here,” allow yourself the freedom to speak your own truth. Allow yourself to find what you know to be true and you will find balance.
As a sensitive, we ask you to not be alarmed at the seemingly uncontrolled energy. There are many vibrational areas that are moving all at once. Your own vibrational advances, the advances of the planet, the advances of your own community, all make it difficult for you to tell what is your problem and what is theirs. The challenge that each one faces sometimes gets blurred by the challenges of the others. Be patient with yourself. Ask for guidance. You know within your heart. Follow it. Your heart knows the way. Did we answer your question?
– Yes thank you very much, and thank you for being here with us.
Synchronicity Explained
Question: Will you explain synchronicity?
Answer: Synchronicity can be explained on many levels. First, let us say that we often speak of it as a lifestyle to which you are learning to become more accustomed. We have described it as walking down the linear hallway of time. You are moving from a linear hallway to a circular hallway, or a ‘now’ time frame. Part of this is encouraging a synchronistic lifestyle, because to create the type of lifestyle that has worked for you in the past simply no longer works the way it used to. It is simply no longer being supported. It is you that have changed, it is you that has raised your vibration. A synchronistic life style has to do with following your path, pushing gently at the doors and seeing which ones open, and having the courage to walk past the fears and push on them in the first place. Then, once they open, having the courage to walk in. About the synchronistic lifestyles, the best that we can tell you is that it takes practice. Begin at small, comfortable levels. Begin with small easy things instead of trying to adopt all at once. Resist your human urge to change everything in one blink of an eye. Allow us to work with you.
There is one anomaly we wish to speak of, for this will affect many in the room. That is what we have termed as side doors. Quite often, you walk down the hallway and push on the doors and the doors don’t open. After you become discouraged at beating on them for a time, you sometimes move on to find other doors. Pushing against another door, it flies open and you look inside and you say, “this is not where I’m going, this is not the door that I have chosen for myself.” You think about moving on down the hall and pushing on other doors. We ask you that when the synchronicities line up, take these as a sign from your higher self. When you open a door to a room, and say, “this is not where I’m going,” at least have the courage to step into it, for as you take the singular step into the room you will often look to your right or your left and see doors that lead into other rooms that you would not have been able to see had you not had the courage to take that first step through the door.
We often talk about co-incidence and synchronicity as one. When you set about a co-creation, ask spirit to bring you the highest and best, ask spirit to put you in your contract, and then release spirit to work in your life. This is what we call co-creation, for you are working together with spirit to create your environment and your version of heaven on Earth. Once your co-creation is released, spirit then begins to line things up for you. Spirit moves this person over here, they line up this job, these opportunities. They reach a hand into your three- dimensional world and move things around. This quite often appears to you as coincidence. Please keep in mind that there are no coincidences. Synchronicity is a way for your higher self to speak to you directly in your daily life. Have we answered your question?
– Yes, and thank you so much for validating my thoughts.
Simplifying Science
[This next question was asked by a scientist from the Atomic Energy Agency. Most of us in the room did not understand either the question or the answer on a conscious level, but I include it here because the Group feels there are several who will. The illustration referred to can be found in chapter 7 on Co-Creation.]
Question: If you take the illustration of God that you have just shown us, and extrude it three- dimensionally, can you then explain the relation of synchronicity to the three dimensional representation of the illustration?
Answer: There is no direct answer to your question as it is not as complicated as your question would make it seem. Understand that you are more than can be contained within your bubble of biology. The remainder is what we call your higher self, and synchronicity is simply the means by which this higher self now speaks to you. We can explain it in terms that you will understand, and yet to do so would not be for the highest good. The easiest way to explain this is to reiterate that, by adopting a synchronistic life style and leaving room for spirit to work in your life, you will most easily create your highest good. That is the way it is. You are honored, we do not mean to demean you in any way, for the scientists are very important. We will say that there are some very basic misunderstandings at the base of your question. To answer the question, let us simply say that there is order in what you call chaos. Soon, the architects of the energy, whom you have called aliens, will be returning to visit this planet. They will have a very important role to play in redesigning the energy to support the higher vibrations on the Gameboard. You will understand our answer more fully as this unfolds.
Scientist: Does that mean that the illustration that you have put on the board does not equate to three dimensions?
Answer: That is correct. The illustration is a simple one, and yet, even this is more complicated than the concept it represents. Understand this, for us to reach into your vibration, we must produce something that is easily understood by your minds. However, in order to accomplish this we must complexify the concept enough for you to understand. It is not possible for us to draw in three dimensions on a pad. Please keep in mind also that there are many more than three of what you call dimensions.
What about the Fourth Dimension?
Question: Can you give some information on the fourth dimension?
Answer: It is easier for us to explain the fifth dimension to you than it is to explain the fourth. This is because the fourth dimension is not clearly definable in your reality. Let us explain it in this fashion. The third dimension, in which you currently reside, is a resting place wherein you play your Game. The fourth dimension is a place to travel through; It is an interim between the third and the fifth. The sixth and eighth dimensions have similar attributes. These are the dimensional levels that allow you to move from one to another. As you travel through these, they imbue you with impressions, or attributes, which you carry forward into the next resting dimension. Beyond the eighth dimension this pattern changes.
Much the way it would be very difficult to teach a high school class in kindergarten, so too is it very difficult for us to use terms that would be easily understood. Let us explain it in this fashion. Your senses are beginning to attune to other dimensions. Your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and your sense of touch are the manner in which you interact with the third-dimension. You are starting to assimilate energy in ways that you never have before. This growth is now happening at an exponential rate right at this moment. These changes are causing some stress within your emotional bodies. Part of what is happening is that you are beginning to understand and see beyond the ranges of vibration that you have previously been able to perceive. So, much like a dog would be able to smell things that you would not be able to smell and see things in ranges of vibration that you would not be able to see, your own senses also are beginning to expand.
As you accept this, you will be able very clearly to see the fourth-dimension as a place to simply travel through. The illustration that we have used prior is that of the bridge. The fourth dimension is a bridge that you are building with your own vibrations between the third and the fifth dimensions. The interesting part is that there are some that will be skipping ahead. There are many that are coming to the planet very soon that will be working in multiple dimensions at one time. Although this is possible, there are very few that are doing this at this time. The children of crystal vibration will be bringing the seeds of a new humanity that will make it possible to walk every step. For even now, you often walk in the first dimension, totally unaware that there are tools in that first dimension that you can be using to affect your third. Please be patient with yourselves, and we ask you not to reach too far for the answers, for they are closer than you think. They are simpler than you think. Allow them to find you naturally and experience them, and do not be afraid to reach out and explore those other dimensions. The rules of your game will appear differently in each one, yet you will adapt very quickly. Did that answer your question?
– Yes, and I wish to thank you all for this talk, it has answered a lot of questions for me.
Speeding up the Process of Re-membering
Question: What can we do to speed up the process of taking our power and re-membering?
Answer: The best way to speed up the process of re-membering is to reach out and connect with spiritual family. Connect with others of like vibration. Look through their eyes. Experience who they are, and re-member parts of yourself. In doing so, they will reflect ways that will help you to re-member and accept your own heritage. The ego has been an important part of the biological process. As the Earth cooled you had to take on denser bodies so that you were able to interact with the Mother as she gained density. At that point, it was necessary to incorporate the ego as a survival mechanism. You are now at the point of releasing the need for the ego. And although you are certainly not there yet, you are moving in that direction for the first time. As the ego releases more, you will be seeing more, you will be seeing more of yourself. If we were to show you exactly who you are, and what you had done in previous times to set up these contracts, and how many lives you had moved towards the Light, your ego would not let you accept that information. We are working in an area where the ego is beginning to release. It is difficult for you to accept your own magnificence, yet if you will look through the eyes of your spiritual family you will have no choice, for the truth can easily be found there. And as you look through the eyes of your spiritual family you will see your magnificence, not as a singular event within you, but as part of the whole and part of the connection that connects all. So for now, seek them out. Find groups of like vibration and similar beliefs and discuss and interact. Stay with these people and reach out to them. In this fashion you will clear your own emotional restrictions to carry more light through your own biology. This is what we call Lightwork.
We honor your process on the Gameboard. You have no idea what it looks like from our perspective. If you could only see yourself for a moment as we see you, you would never again doubt yourself. You would move into joy and stay there. You would move fully into your own passion and enjoy every moment of the Game. We tell you that this passion is the same passion that we experience all the time on this side of the veil. When you find your passion and allow it to be a part of daily existence, you are, in fact, creating Home on your side of the veil. When you create Home on your side of the veil, like vibrations attract and the separation between the worlds diminishes.
Interaction is beginning to be possible in more ways than you have ever thought. Stretch your limits. Find your power. Open your own channels. Ask, and it shall be given. Speak your truth. There are times when we do not know how you stand it. We see the dichotomies that you face on a daily basis, the things that you have to view, the atrocities that you have to endure. Yet we tell you that it is only possible to move energy from this position and you are loved beyond your imagination for having the courage to walk within these bubbles of biology. We ask you to reach out and look into the eyes of those around you, to draw your spiritual family together, and re-member who you are. For this is what connects us all. It is our greatest expression to bring information to help you to re-member. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together.
We are complete.