Welcome Home!

It was in May of 1997 that I got a strong nudge from the Group to create a place for Lightworkers to gather here on the Internet. This was to be a place where all could gather and experience their own empowerment.  It would be about helping people to get in touch with their own empowerment. It took several months to get it into motion and in October of 97, with the help of several others, we put up the first incarnation of espavo.org.

The Group gave several guidelines for this project. The guidelines were all about creating a place for people to come together to re-member who they were and the powers they had forgotten as a result of playing the game of being human. They said to make it reflect the lives of Lightworkers on the planet and that it would be a work in constant evolution. Getting comfortable with change would be very important. One thing they told me was that somewhere on the front page it was to contain the words “Second Wave”.  They asked me to not make it obtrusive but to simply put the words up out of the way of the main flow of consciousness.  This label was not for people to read and ask questions about, but to simply absorb the energy of those two words.

At first I didn’t understand the meaning of those words, but knew it was important to plant the seeds.  Now I see that it is actually a wave of human consciousness, transitioning from the first wave of learning by example through teachers, into the second wave of experiential self empowerment. In short, it is humanity moving from a game of “follow the leader” to a game of “Follow Yourself”.  As a result of this early instruction you will find the words Second Wave out of the way and sometimes hidden on every book cover and printed material.

Making space for the fully empowered human in our society is what the Group is all about and this web site is an example of that. The Group says the Internet is a paradigm for future communities of the world because it balances naturally without control and as a result this is the perfect place to create this space of ultimate empowerment. From the “Thought of the Day” under the Logo, which changes every time you access the page, to the monthly Lightworker LIVE Lightcast, we offer you this version of Heaven on Earth.

The Group describes the entire process we are doing here as an elaborate game with many props and disguises. The first page of the book is a description of life on Earth entitled the Grand Game of Hide and Seek. In this writing they describe the object of the game as an awakening to re-member who you are and your powers of co-creation. The next step in the game is in using those powers to create home on this side of the veil. It is to this goal of creating Heaven on Earth that this web site is dedicated. The Group says that the easiest way to re-member your power is to re-connect with members of your original spiritual family. This is a process that is unfolding all over the planet. They say when we look into the eyes of these people we can clearly see who we really are. This re-union process is something that we support in all of the writings and seminars we do. This web site is a place to come together and re-connect with your spiritual family. It’s a place to share your thoughts, hopes and dreams. It’s a place to re-member who you really are and use that power to create your version of Home on this side of the veil.

A quick note to tell you about the buttons that run alongside of this page. These are the control center and they are on many of the pages at espavo.org. They do not take you to every page but getting familiar with them will help you navigate this site. These buttons change often in content and the order of appearance. If there is something new at the site it will often be moved to the top button position. There is a lot of information here and we hope you enjoy the time you spend here. The staff of Lightworker is very proud to have you here. This is our version of Heaven here on Earth.

This space is supported through volunteer efforts. If you would like to show your support you can see here ways you can be a part of the building of the dream. We are making a difference one heart at a time.

In this space we offer the writings of the group. Information from the group for living in the higher vibration is offered in the Beacons of Light~ Reminders from Home . This information is offered for your own individual discernment and is meant to help you re-member your own powers of creation. We ask you to take what pulls at your own heartstrings and leave the rest. This space is offered as a place of unconditional love. A place to express your own versions of Heaven on Earth and a place to look into our eyes and re-member who you really are.

In the months ahead we intend to offer many places for people to find their own empowerment. We welcome you to be a part of this family in any way you choose. May the Light always be with you. Welcome Home.

Big Hugs and gentle nudges

Steve & Barbara Rother

Update from The Espavo Team

Sadly, Barbara made her transition on May 6, 2021. Although we cannot yet imagine Espavo without her physical presence, we know she would want Steve & The group to continue to be the example of grace, love and empowerment for others that they have always been. And so, we will honor her as we support Steve and continue the journey…


Εach month, Steve presents GlobalLight, giving the monthly message from the group.